Monstera Deliciosa

from SGD 97.00
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Potted with Chunky Soil Mix.

Potted Plant: W 30-40 cm x H 40-50 cm
Planter: Ø 12 cm x 12.5 cm

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Potted with Chunky Soil Mix.

Potted Plant: W 30-40 cm x H 40-50 cm
Planter: Ø 12 cm x 12.5 cm

Potted with Chunky Soil Mix.

Potted Plant: W 30-40 cm x H 40-50 cm
Planter: Ø 12 cm x 12.5 cm


This houseplant grows big very quickly and it has the most iconic Monstera leaves. Being so easy to care for, makes it suitable for anyone to have one.

Toxic to children and pets when ingested.

Plants images depicted are solely for illustration purposes only.

Plant Care Guide


Allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry in between waterings


Low to bright indirect light environments.


Wipe down leaves to have healthy growths.

Rotate this plant to have even foliages.

Gently feel the soil with your fingers to determine if your plant needs watering.